man in blue and orange construction clothing on fresh tar and chip

Combinations Of Asphalt & Stone
Tar & Chip Services

Tar & Chip Paving is a combination of asphalt and stone. A gravel base is installed. Then, hot liquid asphalt is applied on top of the gravel.

The asphalt adheres to the gravel base. Loose stone is then put down over the hot tar so that it becomes embedded in the asphalt. The stones are then firmly rolled into the tar.

This makes for a creative and interesting paving surface. It is an excellent surface for farm lanes, common drives, or even if you would just like a rustic touch. This type of driveway has a rough surface so that it does not get slippery. Therefore it provides more traction.

It is less expensive than asphalt. You can expect to pay around half the price of asphalt. No sealing is necessary so maintenance is easy.

Benefits Of Tar & Chips Paving